Round seven finds our first teenagers moving out to their own lots !! The Gallant and Benet families got together over a weekend fishfry and hashed out the details. Violet being the first child born to Tesime was obviously well prized and was a very welcome addition to the Benet family. Everyone wished her a fruitful life with her new mate, Jorn Benet. Basil was not forgotten in this deal and got himself a very promising young mate as well, Annalise Benet. May the fish gods smile down on both these young couples and see them populate this new land ! A day shy means Forest will have to wait a whole turn now that he is a teenager before he can move out. Hopefully he will be as lucky as his older siblings and find a mate as well. Little baby River aged to a toddler. And to make sure this round was full of firsts, Tre and Rose became elders of this great community !
Gallant: Tre, Rose, Forest, Skye, and River