The loving Benet's ! If left to their own devices Skalton and Belle would rather make out with each other than anything else. I guess it is no wonder they now have 5 kids. For the first time ever the genie showed up and of course I could only put the lamp in a backpack :-( Now that Jorn is growing up he had to show his father just how strong he was becoming. Later in the day Jorn invited Violet Gallant over and tried to chat her up. "Vi just being in your presence is like the sun shining after a gray sky" *sigh* Like any boy he wasnt sure if he getting anywhere or not. April Stonegate seemed to have some rather strange notions floating around in that pretty little blond head of her - you are already married woman !! Finally we had lots of aging ceremonies - Ida became a toddler, Annalise became a teen and Belle had another baby boy! Welcome to Tesime little Benito. (This family knows how to do a lovely mix of males and females - The Lindt's and Phan's could take a cue from them ! )
Benet: Skalton, Belle, Jorn, Annalise, Frida, Ida and Benito